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After Prom Party Planning with Inflatable Rentals in Mind

With sweaty palms, the teenage male fumbles around with a funny little flower—just hoping to somehow slip it on the wrist of his crush who he worked up the courage to ask on a date. But not just any date . . . his first high school dance! What usually occurs during freshman or sophomore year in high school is an important moment for any teenage boy or girl. Gone are the days of “cooties” which are forever replaced with butterflies. HOWEVER, by junior or senior year of high school, those butterflies soar and nerves turn into fun and friendship—all of which culminates at the high school prom! And if dinner and dancing is where the evening starts, after prom party planning with inflatable rentals is where every such occasion should end.

But wait, we just talked about (in our previous January post) New Year’s Resolutions and how to start the year off right. How are we all the sudden skipping to the end of the school year?

Well, we all know the days are long and the months are short. Therefore, prom season will be here before any of us know it. Not to mention after prom party planning is one of the number one requests we get at Fun Services Midwest. And where do we often point people to as a great place to start? Inflatable rentals, of course. So let’s examine after prom party planning, what to include at your high school, and why each component of this event is so crucial to nail down.

Getting Ahead of After Prom Party Planning

Like many aspects of high school, after prom party planning is also susceptible to procrastination. Remember when you forgot to start on that 8-page paper until the night before it was due? And how much easier it would have been to just write one page a day in the couple of weeks leading up to its due date? This is the same way we encourage schools and organizations to not just plan for prom but for ALL events.

Event planning is tough as is, so don’t make any event in 2022 harder by procrastinating until days before the event itself. Get ahead of the game with planning in every sense of the word.

But seeing as this post is highlighting high school prom, here are some ways to get ahead of the planning process:

  • Are you a part of the planning committee itself? Reach out to Fun Services Midwest ASAP to reserve your inflatable rentals today—our best items get reserved quicker than some realize!
  • Are you a student attending prom? Let your school administrators know what you’d like at after prom! Scan our inventory online and inform them of what would make YOUR after party more memorable. Oh, and start thinking about who you will ask to prom!
  • Are you a parent with a high school student? Obviously, in this day and age, where kids are going after prom can be a worrisome thought. Our goal is to foster a fun, safe environment for your children to enjoy with friends! We’d love to get connected with your child’s school this year for the best prom experience possible.

Inflatable Rentals for After Prom

Let’s look at some of our top after prom party planning options. Although there are hundreds of items to select on our website, we’ve narrowed it down to a few of our favorite inflatable rentals to get you started. Not only are some of these options our favorites in an after prom setting, but these are also some of our most popular choices each year—reserve them QUICK before another school does!

We’re sure you get the idea—contact us today if there is a specific kind of item you’re looking for, or if there’s any other way we can help your school in the process.

Why After Prom is Important

Say it with us: kids just want to have fun. And high school prom is, for a fact, one of students’ last experiences of pure, innocent fun before college/life comes at them around the corner. It’s also one of the last times (sans graduation itself) any particular high school class will all be together at the same time. Sure some of those kids will break off and go do their own thing around town, but the better your after prom party planning is, we promise they won’t want to leave!

That’s why Fun Services Midwest exists: so that people at your party don’t leave. And for as fast as high school goes by, there’s a lot to be said for making one event in the life of a student last just a little longer.
